Wednesday, 7 May 2014

COP - Finished Book

 One the problems the problems I encountered was that I left binding the book to late. Book binding was closed when I planned to go in. This meant that I didn't get to pamphlet stick the book like I wanted to. However I have learn the importance of not leaving thing until the last minute. In future I will check estudio and not assume that facilities are free, I will also insure that I manage my time more efficiently.

Another problem I faced was that there were too many pages. I should have printed the book in smaller sections. As a result my book doesn't lay flat and the pages stick out. In future I will make sure that I do a test print first to be use that there are no errors or problems.


What I will be screen printing for the cover. 

Mockup of what the cover will look like. I have chosen to use to dots because they relate to Roy Lichtenstein's work and represent the repetition that is used throughout pop art. The colours are inspired by the bright bold contrasting colours seen in psychedelic work. The font is cooper black, I went with this font because i thought it have a retro old look to it.

My first attempt. The main focus of the book is the images so i game them their own page. However I am not sure on the type page, I will keep experimenting to improve it.

These are my final page designs. I changed the grid layout to an asymmetrical grid. I moved the text to the right because it looks more balanced there. I also added the dots as seen on the cover to make the pages consistent with the cover and again because it looks more balanced.

Experimenting with the placement of the dots. I went with the last one because I flowed the best with the page.