Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Digital Print Workshop 2 - Photoshop

When you add an image from your camera etc, they are always in RGB. This is a problem, this is because some RGB colours cannot be printed. RGB is photoshop's default colour mode. Photoshop changes RGB's to printable colours, the shift can be quite dramatic.

Why don't we work in CMKY?
- Some aspects of photoshop can only be used in the RGB colour mode.
- CMKY files are larger.

It is best to work in RGB while editing, then change it to CMKY.



Transparency of printing inks.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Penguin Design Award 2015


Closing date 12noon Wednesday 11th March. Can be uploaded digitally from 14th January.

Economist explores the hidden side to everything. Pop culture with economics.

The Brief
The cover design needs to reflect that this is a fresh, witty and illuminating book which looks at the big – and the not so big – questions of life in an original and entertaining way. It needs to hint at the very broad range of topics the book covers. It needs to convey that the Freakonomics way of seeing the world is at the heart of everything we see and do – these are the subjects that bedevil us daily: from parenting to crime, sport to politics, fat to cheating, fear to traffic jams. This book asks provocative and profound questions about human motivation and contemporary living and reaches some astonishing conclusions. The cover is the ‘way in’ to how people will change the way they see the world.

Your cover design needs to include all the cover copy as supplied and be designed to the specified design template (B format, 198mm high x 129mm wide, spine 20mm wide).

What the judges are looking for?
- Have an imaginative concept and original interpretation of the brief.
- Strong use of typography.
- Appeal to a contemporary readership.
- Show a good understanding of the market place.
- Make it different from its competitors, a point of interest.

- 300ppi.
- 5mm bleed.
- Trim and crop marks to be included.
- Max file size 5meg.
- Front cover only oon the first page of the PDF. Full cover spread (front, spine, back cover) on the second page of the spread.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Vogue Website

- To promote/appreciate vogue magazine.
- To inform people about the history of vogue 
- For people to be able to look through all of the vogue covers.

- Female
- 18-40 year olds
- Fashion Fans
- Middle/upper class

Functional Specifications
- Home Button 
- Next and previous arrows
- Images 
- Subheading 
- Drop down menu
- Link to vogue website

Interactive Design 
-Magazine Covers 
- Brief vogue history
- Notable covers
- Mainly images 

Sensory Design 
- Simple
- Minimal
- Not complicated