- What is the smallest point size you can get away with for body text? - I would be interested to know when it is that a word suddenly become unreadable.
- How do you draw a glif in italics? - Doing the font family task I struggled with this, is there a method to make it easier?
Readability and Legibility
- Which is more important? - does it matter if the glyphs are clear and legible, but when used in body text is unreadable? The two obviously need to be balanced.
- If columns make type more readable, then why aren't books laid out in this format? - I had heard that using columns; like in articles and newspapers improve the readability of the text and the readers are able to focus for longer. If this is the case then why aren't book set out like this?
- Which is more readable; serifs or san serifs?
- What is a good letter spacing to make glyphs more legible?
- Is colour always necessary? Is black and white sufficient.
- Should there be a concept and meaning behind a colour pallet? or is the visual aspect more important.
- Can a lot of colours be used together? Does it work? or is it better to keep to as minimal amount of colours as possible.
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